Picture this. You’re at work and one of your fellow managers confidently tells you, “I give my team lots of freedom. They really appreciate it.” You try to hide your surprise. Not only have you witnessed this colleague micromanaging their employees, but some of them have even come to you to express their frustration.
Unfortunately, it’s a pretty common occurrence for your view of yourself to be out of sync with how others view you. We all have our blind spots, which is why it can be useful to get a more objective, 360-degree perspective.
A Good Look Around
Whether you want to improve your own self-awareness or have an employee who would benefit from a broader view, our 360 Degree Review is a powerful tool. It combines three illuminating components:
- Our Performance Dynamics® assessment, which takes a deep dive into the personality traits that influence behavior. It identifies your personality and behavioral tendencies, and we discuss how they impact your leadership style. This helps you recognize your strengths and identify opportunities for improvement.
- A 360-degree evaluation with very focused and purposeful questions that is completed by you and your pre-identified leaders, peers, direct reports and customers or vendors. This lets you see how you come across to others and highlights any blind spots.
- A supportive feedback session—including you, your leader and one of our experienced coaches—that brings the process full circle with honest feedback and a plan for focused personal and professional development.
You Can See Clearly Now
While this process may seem intimidating, our clients are often surprised by the profound insights the 360 Degree Review provides them, and how it frees them up to become their best selves, both professionally and personally.
Who is this service designed for? Anyone who manages or leads a team, is an emerging leader, or has had difficulty receiving feedback about their performance in the past. Because this is an individualized service, each participant receives the personalized feedback and plan they need most. The 360 Degree Review can also be combined with other services, such as our Next Level Coaching, for additional impact.
We invite you to reach out to learn more about our services. Talk to us about what you’d like to accomplish, and we’ll recommend the best way to get there.