lion and cub in training

Coaching has an enormous impact on the development and sustainability of world-class organizations by helping leaders focus on the aspects of their personality and behavior that contribute to their success, as well as areas that are keeping them from reaching their full potential.

We have more than three decades of experience helping thousands of leaders ascend to their next level by focusing on aspects that can lead to workplace disharmony if not addressed:

  • Relationship Building
  • Decision Making (Timely & Efficient)
  • Having Tough Conversations
  • Confidence Building
  • Managing Motivation
  • Vulnerability
  • Listening
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Structure
  • Building Complementary Teams

Next Level Coaching

We offer three levels of one-on-one coaching programs:

Level One: Ideal for someone poised to assume a critical organizational role to prepare them for the responsibility of leadership. This 6-month program includes:

  • 1-hour monthly coaching
  • Individualized professional development plan
  • Assignments
  • Mentorship

Level Two: For someone on the fast-track to the C-suite, this interactive, 12-month program includes:

  • 1-hour monthly coaching
  • Individualized professional development plan
  • Assignments
  • Mentorship
  • Reassessment at completion of program

Level Three: Designed for someone on the precipice of doing great things within your organization who has the skills but lacks the experience to access their full potential. This intensive, 18-month program equips them with the perspective to drive serious return on investment throughout their career, including:

  • 1-hour monthly coaching
  • Individualized professional development plan
  • Assignments
  • Mentorship
  • Reassessment at completion of program
  • 360 Degree Review at completion of program

Customized Coaching

Participants at all levels are required to draft a reflection paper at the beginning of the coaching process to express which areas of their personality and behavior they wish to develop, and what they would ultimately like to get out of coaching.

After program completion, participants are required to draft a presentation outlining the lessons they learned, providing examples of applied learning, and creating a sustainability plan to maintain their development goals. They will present this to their Giombetti coach, a leader in their organization, one of their direct reports, and a peer (if applicable).