What constitutes a world-class leader? They are someone whose personality and behavior holds profound consequences on an organization’s success—they can be anyone from a front-line manager to a CEO. These leaders possess well-developed emotional intelligence—they get people. They also invest in themselves and their team; they have a desire for development. They are transparent, empathetic, and direct—they tell it like it is. They move in new directions and make informed and timely decisions. Most importantly, they understand that leadership is a journey, not a destination.
Performance Dynamics®
Leadership training and development is key to harnessing the high-performance potential of your company by establishing effective leadership skills and practices, as leaders learn to lead within their personality. It allows you to attend to those leaders who require outside assistance to improve their capabilities, change their ingrained practices, and adjust their styles according to your company’s needs. Training all new and promoted leaders solidifies your management team’s effectiveness.
In addition to discussing practical methods of leadership, we conduct high-impact exercises. We address specific situations or concerns participants have, leading to concrete improvements in your company.
The process begins with the Performance Dynamics® assessment. We then collaborate with executives, management teams, and HR leaders to identify, prioritize, and develop impactful talent development strategies resulting in exceptional organizational and individual performance.
We build and deliver customized workshops wrapped around specific topics of your choosing (e.g. behavioral interviewing, the art of influence, becoming a better listener, communication, etc.) and aim to educate participants through content, role playing and open discussion. Individual workshops are great when timeframes are limited and/or when employees request information on specific subject matter.
What Does Leadership Training & Development Include?
- Prior to training, the participant goes through our Performance Dynamics®
- In an interactive, one-on-one feedback session, the participant develops a newfound self-awareness of their behavioral strengths, learns how to manage their personality more effectively, and gains an understanding of how their personality impacts others.
- Throughout the training, the participant is encouraged to constantly refer to and link their personality to the leadership issue being discussed. This becomes their foundation for transitioning from manager to leader.
Who Should I Send to Leadership Training & Development?
- Anyone on your staff who needs management, leadership or developmental training
- Ineffective managers who need development
- Managers with high turnover
- Staff in management or supervisory positions who have had no formal training
- Young or inexperienced managers you are looking to develop
- “Old school,” autocratic, task-oriented managers who need “sensitivity” training
- Star performers recently promoted into management
- “Diamonds in the rough” who need polishing
- Up-and-comers you believe have potential, but who need development
- Individuals you’d like to show commitment to and reward
- Experienced managers looking for new ways to be more effective leaders
Leadership Development: Team Building Training
The stronger your teams, the more successful your organization. During team building engagements, we conduct high-impact exercises and cover many powerful topics comprising of world class leadership, such as motivational theory, interpersonal/relationship building skills, conflict management, leadership styles, communication, trust, and integrity, etc.
Through Performance Dynamics®, we reveal the behavioral and personality traits of your leadership team and apply them toward leadership development. Your leaders learn to work within their personalities and their self-awareness greatly increases their leadership effectiveness.
Our trainers have excellent reputations for being exciting and dynamic trainers, have outstanding knowledge of the topics, and are very good at integrating real life stories and experiences that link directly to the topic at hand.
Leadership Development: Conflict Management
Sometimes you just can’t do it alone. If your company needs help resolving conflicts that disrupt morale and create unnecessary tension, let Giombetti Associates help. We will design a solution and be an objective, outside mediator to establish the facts of a conflict and facilitate the best solution.
Your team members may benefit from our conflict management services when:
- You have two or more people, or an entire department, that doesn’t get along.
- Emotions, personalities, and “water over the dam” are creating conflict or causing conflict to go unresolved.
- Individuals are just too close to the issue to establish an effective solution.
- You have strong or dominating personalities who won’t compromise or communicate.
- You don’t have negotiation skills and are struggling with conflict, or when intervention is dangerous to a relationship or your leadership ability.

Exceeded my expectations. It was more than hype and psych. This program had meat to its bones.
—Mark Puett, R&D Director: Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Conflicts are only opportunities to develop a relationship further. You decide how to proceed. The leadership training will show you how.
—Ken Stacey, Sales Engineer: Belt Technologies

Tremendous content, real life examples. Hit home on many levels. It has knocked home the traits that I need to improve, as well as the traits I need to manage. With this knowledge, I should excel.
—Kenneth Smith, Plant Manager: Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.

The programs offered by Giombetti Associates were beneficial in both my personal life and my career in human resources. If I could have changed only one thing, it would be to have participated in this program much earlier in my life.
—Deborah Beauchemin, Human Resources Supervisor: Atlas Copco Compressors, Inc.

In order to effectively lead personnel, one must understand him or herself first. To me, this was the best training I’ve ever had to help one look inward, and discover one’s own management style.
—Rick Lamb, Plant Manager: Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.

I’d recommend this course for anyone in management or preparing for management or working on teams.
—Jack Kennedy, Senior Director: Biosurgery R&D, U.S. Surgical

I truly believe I am leaving here better prepared and much more aware of what a true leader is and the traits I need to get there.
—Justin Scheithauer, Plant Manager: Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.

Great experience! Gives you tools to improve your effectiveness. Provided the opportunity to role play and interact with peers who are faced with similar challenges to be effective with our personnel. I learned that collaboration and communication are important skills to use to solve any problem. Rick Giombetti and his staff created a challenging and fun packed seminar.
—David Cistoldi, President: FLN-MAR Rubber & Plastics, Inc.

A cloud has been lifted off me that I didn’t even know was there! Self-deception is a tricky thing in that it is easily hidden behind a high paced environment and even “success.” Although I have a long way to go, I wouldn’t have started without Giombetti, and a company that cares enough to take this path. I look forward to continuing our relationship.
—Stu Arthur, Vice President of Sales: Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.

I won’t lie, at times hearing and then accepting some of the characteristics I possess was VERY hard, but how can I change those things without being aware of them? I can honestly say that within the last month I feel as if I am an entirely new person. There are days that I feel as if a gigantic weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I am much more aware of who I am as an individual now. It is beyond refreshing. This program has given me the chance to become a leader.
—Heather Caisse

I’m normally not a fan of the management and team building processes or classes that I’ve taken in the past—they tend to fall on the cookie cutter side where the same one or two solutions fit everyone and generally these classes are a waste of time. I feel the approach you take is much more tailored to the individual and group and therefore much more beneficial to everyone involved.
—Paul Leanza, Director: Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.