For many high school students, choosing a college major or career path can be a stressful decision. The “what do you want to be” question can seem overwhelming for teens (and even some adults). If you aren’t sure what path to take, here are some simple ways to narrow down your options.
Follow Your Passions
Some of us know what our passions are from a very early age. Others, not so much. If you are one of the former—and you don’t know what to study in college or what you will do after high school—think about careers or majors that align with what you love.
For example, if you’ve always liked and been good at mathematics, and you got joy out of tutoring others who are struggling, then you might want to consider education and mathematics as majors.
Likewise, if you’ve always been adept at working with your hands, but academics aren’t your strong suit, consider trade schools or apprenticeships. There, you can learn the basics of vocational careers, such as carpentry, cosmology, plumbing and more.
Gain a Breadth of Knowledge
If you don’t know what your passions are, or if you are not innately drawn to a specific subject or career, then take a wide range of classes in different subjects during high school. Who knows—you might take an interesting history or science class that piques your curiosity and leads you to the right major or career for you.
The internet is also an amazing resource. Use online forums and blogs to research majors and their associated careers. Your school or community might have resources—such as guidance programs or career fairs—that can help you explore career paths and meet professionals in fields that interest you.
If you don’t plan to attend college after high school, research jobs that don’t require a degree. Attend a local job fair and talk to people about the types of positions they are hiring for. Remember that whatever you choose doesn’t have to be forever. With or without a degree you can always change jobs or careers until you find what suits you best.
‘Find Your Fit’ With Us
Do you know a student who is struggling to determine what to study or do after high school—or is that student you? We offer one-on-one college and career coaching through our Find Your Fit program to help students understand their strengths, what careers would use those strengths and what path is best to pursue those careers.
Interested in learning more about our Find Your Fit program? Contact us today.